Patient Participation Group

The group consists of a representative group of patients (of the Practice population) that  meet/correspond (can be face to face or via the internet such as onlne metings) on an ‘as needs basis’ – a minimum of twice per year.

The purpose of the group is to consider how the Practice is run, and what services are available nationally and locally to its patients.  The group will consider with the Practice what it considers to be the priority areas for Practice development and in conjunction with the Practice, design a Practice level questionnaire that will be issued to a representative part of the Practice population to gain their views on the specific areas recognised.

Following the return and analysis of the survey, the Practice and the patient group will:

  • Summarise the findings
  • Discuss what initiatives/changes can be implemented to develop the practice.
  • Agree a programme of work for the Practice to take forward the findings
  • These may be in-house initiatives that can implemented at a local level
  • They may be area wide initiatives that involve other practices, that go up to local area level for discussion with other practices
  • They may involve other services (i.e community services/hospitals/Social Services) which will need to be coordinated at an area wide level
  • Inform the whole practice population of the findings/plans/ timetable.

The Group will not replicate in its questionnaire the information collected for the Practice population via the Ipsos Mori National Questionnaires that are sent out quarterly (but we will use this information as part of its initial considerations). The task of the group is to identify more specific issues that relate to the individual practice/patient population that do not get covered in the national survey.

The group will also be used as a sounding board for changes that are being planned at a local and national level as part of the reforms that are going on within the NHS and that will affect the services the Practice provides.

Join our PPG

If you are interested in joining the group please let the Practice Manager, Stephanie Adams know either: